Our Design Principles

The design and development of Tenko Robot is centered around addressing four main challenges faced by organizations with large numbers of employees who need to undergo pre-job readiness checks:
  1. High costs associated with staff inspections
  2. Dishonesty in reporting results and disputes between employees
  3. Risk of spreading diseases during alcohol level checks
  4. Summarizing results from multiple audits
With the Tenko Robot system replacing human inspectors, these challenges can be effectively resolved as follows:
  • By using Tenko Robots to monitor employee health and availability, organizations can reduce costs associated with hiring staff for inspections. Tenko Robots can operate 24/7 and consume only 30 watts of power (equivalent to a small fan on the lowest setting).
  • Tenko Robots independently and accurately assess employee readiness, eliminating conflicts between inspectors and employees.
  • Tenko Robots feature an automated, clean, and safe technology for alcohol level monitoring, reducing the risk of spreading germs during inspections. They have been tested and approved by leading institutions in Thailand.
  • With the Tenko Robot system connected to the cloud, organizations can quickly and conveniently summarize audit results for large numbers of employees, enhancing decision-making, human resource management, and employee health. Audit data can be used to plan training, and using Tenko Robots reassures customers and partners about employee safety and health.
Tenko Robots showcase the potential of human-technology collaboration, promoting sustainable development, risk management, and overall well-being. Advances like Tenko Robot create new opportunities for improving employee quality of life and productivity across various sectors. By preventing communicable diseases, reducing conflicts within organizations, and saving costs, Tenko Robots lay a foundation for a better, more efficient future